Beginning college is an exciting time in any student's life. It is also a time to begin planning your future. Many start college knowing exactly what they want their career to be, and others have no idea.
For those of you who have decided or are thinking about becoming a doctor, this book will allow you to begin planning your journey to medicine. Being a physician is a rewarding career, but it also requires dedication, perseverance and diligence. Planning to apply to medical school should begin early in college and appropriate preparation must be taken to ensure a successful application.
With only about 40% of applicants actually getting admitted to medical school, the need to plan ahead and put together an awesome application begins now. Let us show you how.
Renee Marinelli MD
Director of Advisors, MedSchoolCoach
Dr. Marinelli is the Director of Advisors at MedSchoolCoach and has served on the University of California, Irvine Admissions Committee. Today, she oversees the advising of all applicants, while continuing to advise herself.
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