The Complete Anatomy Anki Deck for MS1s

Ace your lecture exams & practicals with the most comprehensive Anki deck available to MS1s. Get access to over 4,000 flashcards, each designed & edited by the nation's leading medical educators.
Anatomy Deck for MS1s
A+ Exam Score

Score higher on lecture exams

Instead of focusing on Step 1, our deck covers the details that you’ll be tested on during lecture exams.

Learn Anatomy

Learn anatomy (like, for real)

Our cards will train you to recognize important body structures and landmarks.

Money for Medical School

Save your loan money

Unlike other resources out there, this Anki deck is completely FREE to use.

What's in the Deck?

Main Cards

These cards are designed to help you drill and retain information. They also come with explanations to reinforce your knowledge as you press spacebar.

Anatomy Anki Deck Cards
Anatomy Anki deck label cards

Labeled Cards

Built from anatomy textbook diagrams, these cards help you practice identifying body structures and recognizing landmarks.

Labeled Cards

Built from anatomy textbook diagrams, these cards help you practice identifying body structures and recognizing landmarks.

Anatomy Anki deck label cards

Quiz Cards

Our interactive quiz cards mimic what you might see on your lecture exams, so you can get test-ready as soon as possible.

Anatomy Anki deck quiz cards

How to Get Started With the Deck

1. Brush Up on Your Anki Skills

To learn how to install and use Anki and create different Anki cards, watch this video tutorial video or read our how-to guide for Anki.

2. Get Acquainted With Our Deck 

Watch this video introduction to understand what our anatomy Anki deck is for and how to use it in medical school.

2. Get Acquainted With Our Deck 

Watch this video introduction to understand what our anatomy Anki deck is for and how to use it in medical school.

Meet the Deck's Creators

Jeanie Gribben MD - Director of Medical School Tutoring

Jeanie Gribben MD, Director of Medical School Tutoring

Dr. Gribben is a graduate of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and a Merrill Presidential Scholar from Cornell University. She offers tutoring for Steps 1 and 2 and med school coursework, as well as advising support for medical students. She’s dedicated to personalized teaching strategies for student success

Javi Ochoa - Medical Education Specialist

Javi Ochoa, Medical Education Specialist

Javi is a content creator celebrated for his expertise in the field of medical education. With years of experience in both science education and coaching, Javi is focused on helping medical students achieve their academic goals while maintaining resilient mental health.