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Five Must-Have Activities for Admission to Medical School.

Download critical tips and tricks that will help you get accepted into medical school.

[FREE Guidebook] Five Must-Have Activities for Med School | MedSchoolCoach
Five Must-Have Activities for Admission to Medical School

What's in the eBook?

Critical tips, including the most common and the essential activities that are required to be a successful medical school applicant. 

To be a competitive medical school applicant, you must show admission committees that you are well-rounded, dedicated to serving others, and able to handle multiple commitments at once.

The best way to do that is participating in multiple extra-curricular activities and experiences.


Learn to optimize participation in community service, clinical work, research, leadership, and physician shadowing.

Skyrocket your odds of getting into medical school by making sure you've chosen the right activities.

Learn how to separate a good application from a great one by crafting a theme to your application.

About the Author

Renee Marinelli MD dr-renee-marinelli-medschoolcoach-director-of-advising-1
Director of Advisors, MedSchoolCoach

Dr. Marinelli is the Director of Advisors at MedSchoolCoach and has served on the University of California, Irvine Admissions Committee. Today, she oversees the advising of all applicants, while continuing to advise herself.

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